Thursday, April 30, 2015

Ohio Utica Shale Drilling Activity YOY Review

Similar to the most recent post where we evaluated permitting activity in Ohio's Utica Shale (April 25, 2015)  YTD vs. last year, lets have look at Ohio's Utica Shale drilling activity YOY, more of a snapshot but a similar comparison.

April 25th, 2015219 wells classified as "Drilling"
April 19th, 2014, 143 wells classified as "Drilling"

As we can see, activity is still up significantly compared to about this same time last year.

By counties with wells classified as drilling.
As the data below shows, Carroll County saw a significant drop in drilling activity (8 wells drilling April 25th 2015 vs. 30 on April 19th 2014, on higher drilling in general so that is noteworthy. While Monroe drilling activity is up more than 100% from last year (53 in April 2015 vs. 23 in April 2014). Harrison remains about the same, while Guernsey is also up significantly, 31 in April 2015 vs. 11 in April 2014. Belmont is also up, more than 3 fold, 46 in April 2015 vs. 13 in April 2014.

April 25, 2015

  • Monroe (53)
  • Belmont (46)
  • Harrison (42)
  • Guernsey (31)
  • Noble (23)
  • Carroll (8)
Round out the top six

April 19th, 2014

  • Harrison (36)
  • Carroll (30)
  • Monroe (23)
  • Noble (21)
  • Belmont (13)
  • Guernsey (11)

Round out the top six