This pie chart immediately below shows that there are a significant number of wells (drilled and not yet producing) that should be coming online and into production in the coming months. Also note the large number of wells that are "permitted" only. In the last three months alone (comparing November 16, 2013 Ohio DNR report to the August 17, 2013 report, producing wells went from 125 to 184. Drilled wells (not yet producing) went from 301 to 338. Wells classified as permitted only, went from 335 to 382. Total wells went from 840 to 988.
Other charts below show that Chesapeake leads in wells producing, drilled, and drilling, followed by Gulfport. HESS has more wells producing than Antero, but Antero is currently more actively drilling and has more wells drilled and awaiting production status. As a result, Antero should soon pass HESS in total wells producing. Note that once wells are drilled, there is typically a 30 to 90 days rest period before taking wells into production. The rest period allows for the dissipation of water and frac fluid. A lesser rest period is typically associated with wet gas wells and a longer rest period is associated with more oil rich wells.
Visit the "Maps" tab on the top of this Web page in order to view, filter, and plot the location of any wells by operator, status, county, township, and more.